Workers' Compensation Settlements

Your options for settling your Workers' Compensation claim

It's critical that your workers' compensation settlement considers all benefits you are entitled to. A workers' compensation settlement, L&I settlement, sidebar settlement, or Self-Insured Employer settlement must be tactically formed and negotiated. Depending on the facts of your case, a workers' compensation settlement can be very complex. See your options for resolution below. Contact an experienced work accident lawyer to get help with your workers' compensation settlement. 


Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

Are you permanent impaired because of your work injury? A permanent partial disability is a workers' compensation award paid to an injured worker at claim closure to compensate for residual permanent impairment related to the work injury. A permanent partial disability (PPD) can be thought of as an L&I settlement for your physical and mental injuries. See more about PPDs here. 


Claim Resolution Settlement Agreement (CRSA)

A claim resolution settlement agreement, or CRSA, is an agreement between the injured worker, L&I, and the employer to pay the injured worker an agreed amount of money in exchange for the closure of the injured worker’s claim. There are certain requirements that must be met to qualify for a CRSA however: (1) the claim must be at least 180 days old and (2) the injured worker must be at least 50 years old. After entering into a CRSA, your claim closes entirely. This means all time loss, medical treatment, and vocational benefits end.


Sidebar settlement agreement

A sidebar agreement is a settlement between the injured worker and the self-insured employer. This kind of settlement is only available to you if your claim is with a self-insured employer (SIE). In a sidebar agreement, your employer pays you an agreed amount of money in exchange for the rejection or closure of your claim. The size of your sidebar agreement depends on the facts of your case and the benefits you can reasonably make a good case for. It is important to have an attorney to maximize the value of your sidebar agreement.


Know your rights. Find someone who can fight for them. 

Washington Workers' Compensation is complicated. Our firm makes it simple. Contact our office today if you need help with your workers' compensation claim. 

Reach out for a case evaluation using the contact box below.

If you've been injured at work, you owe it to yourself to contact the fiercely dedicated Workers' Compensation Attorneys at Foster Law.

Call us at 206-682-3436